A 24-year-old student called David Kozak went on a rampage at Charles University in Prague, setting off the most horrific mass shooting in Czech history that resulted in nearly 20 injuries and 14 fatalities.

The Dark Chronology

A sombre discovery at Kozak’s home set off the series of events. The discovery of his father’s lifeless body by police marked a worrisome foreshadowing to the bloodshed that would follow in Prague. After that, a national search was launched to find the shooter, who turned out to be the suspect. At one of the university campuses, an evacuation was in place due to the possibility that the attacker may target there while the authorities searched for him.

Chaos Unleashed: Rampage at the University

A short while later, the gunman at a nearby campus started fire, sending students and faculty scrambling. Minutes following that, the first police officers showed up and made an attempt to approach the armed attacker. By 3:11 PM, the danger grew as the shooter had made his way to the roof.


Prague in Shock: Tragic End on University Grounds

At 3:20 PM, the gunman, named as Kozak, ended the unnerving saga by shooting himself with his rifle. Since the man had eight gun licenses—two of which were long-range—the incident has prompted concerns about his access to firearms. Additionally, the investigators are looking into any possible link between Kozak and another event in which a father and baby were killed.

The Czech government observed a national day of sorrow on Saturday in remembrance of the dead, amid words of condolence from world leaders and the UN Secretary-General. Charles University extended its deepest condolences for the deceased.

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