India’s drug authority has prohibited giving children younger than four years old access to a common anti-cold medication mixture. This choice was made in reaction to widespread worries and the tragic deaths of at least 141 children around the world that have been connected to cough syrups. This action highlights the regulatory commitment to ensuring the health and safety of children.

Specific Anti- Cold Drug Combination

Concerns have been raised over the unapproved use of the forbidden combination, which consists of phenylephrine and chlorpheniramine maleate, in young children. Following the advice of a Subject Expert Committee (SEC), the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) took action, stressing that children under the age of four should not be given this combination of drugs. The regulatory directive also covers labeling specifications, guaranteeing clear cautions against use in this age range.

Global Impact and Export Quality

The restriction is implemented at a time when India is still dealing with the fallout from child fatalities linked to toxic cough syrups manufactured there since 2019. Notably, a reevaluation of India’s pharmaceutical exports was prompted by the reporting of at least 141 deaths in nations such as Cameroon, Uzbekistan, and the Gambia. The deaths have prompted concerns about the quality control of medications coming from India, which is referred to as the “world’s pharmacy,” underscoring the necessity of strict regulatory monitoring.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that children under the age of five should not take over-the-counter anti cold cough syrups, and this regulatory action complies with their recommendations. The action is intended to protect children from harm, avert health hazards in the future, and preserve India’s pharmaceutical sector’s standing internationally.

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