
Renowned national spokesman for the Indian National Congress Gourav Vallabh made news when he left the party and joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Claims that the party is “directionless” and his discontent with the party’s positions on a number of issues precipitated his exit from Congress.

Gourav Vallabh’s Motivation for the Change

The main reason for Vallabh’s departure was that he was uncomfortable with the way Congress was handling certain issues and beliefs. On topics like Sanatan Dharma and the demonization of “wealth creators,” he stated that he could not support the party’s message. Vallabh expressed his dissatisfaction with the direction Congress is taking under the current leadership in his resignation letter, which was circulated on social media site X.

Transition to BJP

Vallabh made his choice to join the BJP public right away after resigning from the Congress. He praised the BJP’s goal for India’s future in his media statement and attacked the Congress for turning down an invitation to the Ram Mandir ceremony in Ayodhya. Vallabh’s action highlights the volatility of Indian politics and implies a dramatic change in political allegiance.


Effect and Consequences

A blow to the party, Gourav Vallabh’s exit from Congress exposes discontent and discord within the party’s ranks. However, his BJP membership strengthens the party’s position and demonstrates its capacity to draw powerful individuals from other political parties. 

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