An avalanche crashed the Kongdoori slopes in Gulmarg, a scenic location in Jammu and Kashmir, trapping skiers beneath its debris. The tragedy illustrated the unpredictability of mountain terrains by taking one skier’s life and leaving numerous tourists stranded.

Avalanche Warning Amidst Harsh Weather Conditions

An avalanche warning was released, emphasising the increased risk, as Jammu and Kashmir had continuous rain and snowfall over the previous few days. The swift movement of snow down the mountainside poses a serious risk, particularly when it is caused by a number of variables impacted by unfavorable meteorological circumstances.


Around 2:00 pm, the avalanche struck, swallowing the skiers in its path. Six Russian skiers plus their guide were among the stranded. Rescuers moved quickly to get them out of the wreckage, but sadly, one of the Russian skiers died in the process. At the moment, six individuals are receiving care at a nearby hospital.

On-going Reduce Efforts

To ensure the well-being of anyone who may still be trapped, police officers and a surveillance team from the Jammu and Kashmir administration have started rescue-cum-search operations. The challenging circumstances make the efforts risky yet essential.

Gulmarg’s Winter Transformation: From Dry Spell to Snow Haven

Following a dry period in January, Gulmarg has seen a significant change with heavy snowfall since the start of February. Gulmarg has drawn explorers and tourists due to its world-class skiing slopes and stunning scenery, which has revived the area after more than two months of drought.

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