S Jaishankar, India’s Minister of External Affairs, highlighted the nation’s strong digital payment ecosystem at a meeting with the Indian community in Nigeria. He bragged with pride that India has adopted digital payments so widely that the country completes as many cashless transactions in a month as the US does in three years.

Smooth Transition to a Cashless Society

Even the poorest people in India have adopted the innovative payment method with ease, Jaishankar pointed out, while many Western countries struggle with the shift to a cashless economy. Indians’ daily lives now revolve around the convenience and effectiveness of digital transactions.

Jaishankar Stresses on  India’s Infrastructure Development and Economic Growth

He emphasised the ongoing growth of infrastructure throughout India while showcasing the nation’s status as one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. He listed the massive construction projects boosting India’s economy, from highways and metro systems to new airports and train stations.

Adaptability During the Pandemic

Emphasising India’s fortitude amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the EA  lauded the nation’s capacity to repatriate 7 million foreign nationals. He stressed the improving outlook for India’s economy and the rise in investments, pointing out that the amount of capital coming into the nation is at an all-time high.

He also pointed out the fact that India’s huge economy is expanding at the highest rate possible and cited the observable increase in a number of different areas. Infrastructure projects, increasing electrical connections, and piped water in communities are signs of the country’s economic health.

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