Remembering Zarina Hashmi: A Trailblazing Indo-American Artist on Her 86th Birthday

Remembering Zarina Hashmi: A Trailblazing Indo-American Artist on Her 86th Birthday

Google Doodle of Zarina Hashmi

Google Doodle Honors Zarina Hashmi, the Influential Indo-American Artist, on Her 86th Birthday

Remembering Zarina Hashmi

Celebrating the Life and Artistic Legacy of Zarina Hashmi

– Zarina Hashmi: An Indian-American Artist with a Profound Impact

Zarina Hashmi, widely known as Zarina, was a remarkable Indian-American artist whose artistic expressions left an indelible mark on the world of contemporary art. Today, on what would have been her 86th birthday, Google Doodle pays tribute to this influential figure. The doodle, designed by guest illustrator Tara Anand from New York, beautifully incorporates Zarina’s signature geometric and minimalist abstract shapes, reminiscent of her unique artistic style.

– Journey and Themes: Home, Displacement, Borders, and Identity

Born on July 16, 1937, in Aligarh, India, Zarina embarked on a captivating artistic journey that took her from the heart of India to international recognition. Throughout her career, she focused on themes of home, displacement, borders, and identity, drawing inspiration from her personal experiences as a migrant and her exploration of cultural and geographical boundaries.

Zarina’s artistic expression was deeply rooted in her memories of home and her encounters with displacement. After completing her education in mathematics, she ventured to Bangkok, Thailand, where she delved into printmaking and honed her craft. Printmaking became a defining aspect of her artistic practice, and Zarina soon established herself as a leading figure in the field.


– New York City: A Home for Artistic Growth and Exploration

In 1975, Zarina relocated to New York City, a move that would shape the majority of her career. Her experiences as an immigrant and her profound connection to the concept of home became central themes in her art. Zarina masterfully integrated maps, architectural elements, and intricate geometric patterns into her work, exploring the impact of borders and the notion of belonging. Her minimalist and poetic approach, combined with meticulous craftsmanship, captivated viewers and garnered her acclaim within the art world.


– Global Recognition and Lasting Legacy

Zarina’s artworks graced prestigious institutions and exhibitions worldwide. Notable solo exhibitions featured her works at esteemed venues such as the Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, and the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art in New Delhi. Her creations also found a place in the collections of renowned institutions including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the British Museum in London, and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

The artistic contributions of Zarina Hashmi were widely celebrated, resulting in numerous awards and recognition for her groundbreaking work. In 2011, she received the prestigious Women’s Caucus for Art Lifetime Achievement Award, acknowledging her significant contributions to the field of visual arts. Today, her thought-provoking artwork continues to resonate with audiences, evoking a profound sense of introspection and contemplation.


– A Generous Mentor and Advocate for Artistic Bridges

Beyond her artistic achievements, Zarina was known for her generosity and her commitment to mentoring young artists. She firmly believed in the power of art to bridge cultural divides and connect individuals from different backgrounds. Zarina’s dedication to her craft and her exploration of themes such as home, displacement, and belonging continue to inspire artists and art enthusiasts worldwide.



Zarina Hashmi, though no longer with us, leaves behind a rich artistic legacy that transcends borders and touches the hearts and minds of people around the world. As we commemorate what would have been her 86th birthday, let us remember Zarina as a trailblazer—a visionary artist whose profound contributions continue to shape contemporary discourse on identity, migration, and the human experience.


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