Uttarakhand is about to register “live-in relationships” for those living in the state, as per the Uniform Civil Code, which is a big development. The goal of the proposed law is to provide the concept of live-in relationships legal recognition and clarification. It contains rules pertaining to parental consent and stringent restrictions.

Uttarakhand’s Important Uniform Civil Code Provisions:

  1. Registration Requirements

People in Uttarakhand who are in live-in relationships or intend to do so must register with district authorities.

For those under 21 who want to live together, parental approval is required.

  1. Conditions for Registration

Registration is not permitted in instances that are considered “against public policy and morality.”

Registration is not available for cases involving a married companion, a minor, or permission that was acquired by fraud, deception, or coercion.

      3. Registration Procedure

Partners are required by law to provide a live-in relationship statement to the registrar, which specifies a man and a woman.

In a 30-day period, a summary inquiry is carried out, and partners might be asked for more data or proof.

The registrar notifies parents if any partner is under 21 and transmits information to the local police.

Partners have the option of terminating the relationship by giving an official statement and reporting it to the police.

      4.Legal Approval for Kids

Children born into a legally recognized live-in relationship will be acknowledged as the couple’s legal descendants.

   5. Penalties for Non-Compliance

False information or failure to file declarations may result in jail time, fines, or both.

If a live-in relationship is not registered, there may be fines, jail term, or both.

Penalties may also be imposed for late registration.

Why is this Important?

1. Legal certainty: By giving people in live-in relationships a recognized framework to work within, the decision gives them legal certainty.

2. Protection for Minors: By requiring parental approval for those under 21, a layer of protection is added, guaranteeing that younger people make informed decisions about these kinds of partnerships.

3. Coercion-Prevention Measures: By prohibiting registration in situations involving fraud, coercion, or misrepresentation, people are protected from being forced into relationships.

4. Social acceptance: By recognizing a variety of partnership arrangements, legal acceptance of live-in couples helps to shape changing social standards.


5. Protection of Children: Legal recognition of children born into couples who live together guarantees the children’s place and rights within the family and community.

Uttarakhand’s adoption of the Uniform Civil Code is indicative of a forward-thinking strategy for acknowledging and governing many types of partnerships.

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