Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota has found herself in deep water after sharing an online 5-minute infomercial-style video preaching dental work she had done at Smile Texas, a Houston-based cosmetic dentistry practice. Travelers United, a consumer advocacy group, has filed a lawsuit against her on the grounds that she neglected to declare a financial relationship with the corporation.

The Controversial Video

Governor Noem warmly endorses Smile Texas in the video, claiming to have had her teeth fixed there and calling the procedure “absolutely amazing.” On the other hand, concern has been generated by the absence of disclosure of any financial agreement with the dentistry practice.

Lawsuit filed by Travelers United

Governor Noem was sued by Travelers United in Washington, DC, for allegedly endorsing a good or service while concealing her financial connections to Smile Texas. In order to force Noem to make amending disclosures on any social media post in which she advertises goods or services, the action was filed.

State Senator Reynold Nesiba’s Opinion

State Senator Reynold Nesiba voiced his worries on the video, speculating as to whether Kristi Noem’s trip to Texas was paid for with public money or state resources and whether she was given a cheaper dental treatment in return for the promotional video. Nesiba has asked for more conversation and research on the subject.

Charges Levelled Against Governor Kristi Noem

According to Travelers United, Governor Noem has assumed the persona of a social media influencer without providing the required disclosure. They contend that Noem shouldn’t participate in such promotional activities as a sitting politician if there isn’t clarity regarding any associated financial arrangements or incentives.

Kristi Noem

The complaint was filed in Washington, DC, because it’s possible that locals there were persuaded by Noem’s promotional video without recognizing it as an advertisement. It is unethical and illegal given that Noem has not disclosed any medical services she has gotten that were discounted or provided for free.

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