In a meeting with students from Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan stressed the importance of eliminating Article 370. He claimed that the action guaranteed the residents of the area equal rights and responsibilities. As per his statement, this modification promotes inclusion by enabling individuals from all around the nation to purchase land in Kashmir.

Prime Minister Modi Declares that the abrogation of Article 370 is irreversible

Prime Minister Narendra Modi broke his silence following the Supreme Court’s ruling on Article 370 and said that the provision could not be reinstated by force. The government’s steadfast dedication to the irrevocable revocation of the article is demonstrated by this declaration.

Mehbooba Mufti’s Reaction and the PDP’s Ongoing Battle

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir Mehbooba Mufti said that it was not “God’s verdict.” She declared that the PDP will continue to work toward giving Jammu and Kashmir its former special status. In spite of the setback, Mufti is unwavering in her dedication to the cause.


Supreme Court Backs Up Abrogation of Article 370

The Supreme Court supported the government’s move to revoke Article 370, which gave Jammu and Kashmir unique status. The Union Territory Assembly elections must be held by September 30th, the court stressed. The decision upholds the article’s removal’s legal status.

The government is dedicated to a long-lasting transformation, as seen by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s clear declaration regarding the irreversibility of Article 370’s abrogation.

Mehbooba Mufti’s unwavering determination, in spite of the Supreme Court’s ruling, complicates the current political conversation. The approval of the supreme court has reshaped the political landscape, necessitating an advanced knowledge of the changing dynamics.

A sense of urgency is introduced by the call for polls by September 30 as Jammu & Kashmir navigates this era of transition. The decisions made in the upcoming months will determine the direction the area takes going forward. The transition from the repeal of Article 370 to the upcoming elections is an important turning point in Jammu and Kashmir’s history.

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