In a world where digital technology rules, sensationalism and false information can easily take center stage. Urfi Javed, a social media star, was involved in a scandal recently. Her arrest by the Mumbai Police was seen in a widely shared video, ostensibly in relation to an obscenity case. But the real story behind the story was very different, and those who were involved had to face harsh penalties.

Javed’s The False Arrest Video

The fraudulently depicted arrest of Urfi Javed by the Mumbai Police in the video swiftly gained popularity on social media. Outrage filled the public sphere, raising fears about the city’s law and order.

The Reaction of Mumbai Police

The Mumbai Police vehemently objected to this inaccurate representation by Urfi Javed . They quickly explained on social media that the video was deceptive and that the police outfit and insignia had been misapplied. The police force’s credibility can be damaged by false information, so the authorities handled this situation very carefully.

A criminal case was then filed at the Oshiwara Police Station under many Indian Penal Code provisions, such as sections 419 (cheating by personation) and 171 (wearing clothing or carrying symbols used by a public worker with fraudulent intent). The police moved quickly, confiscating the car used in the video and apprehending the person in charge of the phony inspector’s uniform.

A Word To All 

The event serves as a reminder of social media’s influence and the associated obligations. Even inadvertently disseminating false information might have detrimental legal consequences. It also highlights how crucial it is to double-check information before responding to dramatic content because doing so can have negative effects on both people and the organizations that uphold law and order.

It’s critical to use social media responsibly in the current digital era, as information travels quickly, and to be aware of the possible consequences of spreading unreliable news. The prompt action taken by the Mumbai Police in this matter makes it very obvious that false information will not be accepted and that anybody who try to damage the reputation of law enforcement will face repercussions.

Article by Debanjana Talukdar

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