Unexpectedly, on the grid walk prior to the Brazilian Grand Prix at Interlagos, global rapper Machine Gun Kelly became embroiled in a humiliating and awkward encounter with Formula 1 commentator Martin Brundle. What had started out as a standard pre-race talk quickly turned into a dialogue marked by long pauses and confusion.

 The Perplexing Silence of Machine Gun Kelly

Brundle’s attempts to get Kelly,  Megan Fox’s husband, to participate in a conversation seemed to really stump Kelly, making for an odd and awkward interview that left viewers and fans scratching their heads in confusion.

Brundle welcomed Machine Gun Kelly warmly at the start of the debate, but the rapper remained silent for a while in return. Machine Gun Kelly finally managed a shaky, “I have no idea what you said,” clearly taken aback. But he is grateful.

Recognition Amid Perplexity

Brundle revised his greetings and got a more logical response: “Thank you. I’m grateful’ he said he was  honoured to be present. But the discomfort didn’t end there. When Brundle brought up Machine Gun Kelly’s profession, there was another long silence, to which Kelly replied, he doesn’t think about his career.

A Failed Attempt to Direct the Discussion

Unfazed, Brundle wished the rapper well in his professional endeavours and made an effort to shift the topic of discussion to Formula 1. But Machine Gun Kelly appeared more content to joke around and suggested that Brundle try playing the air guitar and air piano together.

Choosing a more sombre tone, Brundle turned down the invitation, saying he had to go since he had other people to take care of.

Viewers watched in confusion and amusement as the seasoned presenter and the rapper tried to find common ground during the conversation. An unexpected high point in the run-up to the Brazilian Grand Prix was the awkward grid walk moment, which gave spectators a peek of the unpredictable in the world of Formula 1.

Article by Debanjana Talukdar 

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