The Kremlin has addressed recent rumors regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s wellbeing. Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for the Kremlin, has stated that President Putin is in excellent health and is perfectly capable of carrying out his obligations as president. Additionally, Peskov has clearly refuted any reports that the president used body doubles, labeling such assertions as baseless and unlikely.

Where The Health Speculation Began

This rumor has its roots in an unreliable report published by a Russian Telegram channel. While this article received some coverage in the Western media, it is crucial to question its truthfulness given the lack of sources that can be independently verified. According to the story, the Russian President experienced a serious health incident on a Sunday night.

‘General SVR’ claims

The ‘General SVR’ Telegram channel was cited in several stories as saying that security personnel at Russian President’s home had heard a commotion in his bedroom at around 9 o’clock Moscow time. They allegedly found President Putin lying on the ground next to an overturned table with food and drinks on it.

Kremlin’s Stance 

The Kremlin stresses the significance of only believing official comments from reliable sources, notwithstanding prior suspicions over President Putin’s health and the deployment of body doubles. Although he admitted being presented with the option for security reasons, President explicitly rejected deploying body doubles in a 2020 interview. The Kremlin reaffirmed earlier this year that rumors about body doubles were baseless and that President’s health was in good shape.

Recent Activities of President Putin

It’s important to remember that President Putin turned 71 on October 7 and had recently traveled to China on business, stopping in two Russian towns on the way back.

Article by Debanjana Talukdar

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