According to official media, Israeli strikes in Damascus, the capital of Syria, struck an Iranian embassy annex building and resulted in deaths. The incident took place in the midst of rising hostilities in the region between Iran and Israel.

Information on the Incident

Syria’s official news service SANA reports that the Iranian consulate building in Damascus’ Mezzeh area was the target of the Israeli attack.

According to reports, there were at least six fatalities inside the structure. Emergency vehicles were observed at the scene, and smoke could be seen rising from the debris.

According to reports, the attacks were directed against an annex building next to the Iranian embassy, which was totally demolished.

Iranian media said that the annex building had been destroyed and that Hossein Akbari, the Iranian ambassador in Damascus, and his family had not been hurt.

Israel’s Answer and Reactions

Israel, adhering to its custom of not acknowledging nor disputing such operations, has not immediately responded to the strikes.


The incident occurs at a time when Israel and Iran are experiencing increased tensions due to the Jewish State’s increased attacks on militant organisations with ties to Iran in the midst of its ongoing battle with Hamas in Gaza.

Six people lost their lives when Israeli rockets damaged the annex building, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Syrian air defence systems struck enemy sites near Damascus in reaction to the strikes, according to the country’s official news agency, SANA.

In conclusion, tensions between the two nations have significantly increased as a result of the Israeli strikes on the Iranian embassy annex in Syria. The episode highlights the complexities of the continuing war in the area and prompts worries about additional instability and escalation. It is still imperative that all parties concerned use restraint and look for diplomatic solutions as the crisis develops in order to prevent more violence and casualties.

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