

On Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives advanced a bill that would force Chinese internet firm ByteDance to cease operations with its well-known social video app TikTok or risk having it banned in the US. The Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act is a piece of legislation that represents a major development in the ongoing discussion over national security issues related to TikTok’s Chinese connections.

The House passed the bill with a resounding majority of 352-65, demonstrating bipartisan support for policies meant to address the national security dangers that are thought to be connected to TikTok. The legislation, which was introduced on March 5th, aims to force ByteDance to resell TikTok to non-Chinese investors within six months, or face a ban should the sale fall through.

Challenges Ahead

Despite passing the House, the bill’s future in the Senate is still up in the air. The plan may not succeed because Chuck Schumer, the majority leader in the Senate, has not promised to put it to a vote and because several lawmakers are opposed to it. Furthermore, there will probably be legal challenges to the bill even if it passes the Senate and becomes a law.



What this means for TikTok

With the bill’s approval, a full body of Congress has for the first time authorised legislation that might outlaw TikTok for users. Since 2020, the app has come under increasing attention due to worries expressed about Beijing’s control over ByteDance and the possible threats to national security that TikTok’s data practices may pose.

ByteDance and China’s response

ByteDance has voiced concerns about the measure, referring to it as a ban and pointing out the possible effects it may have on the US economy and millions of users. Beijing, meanwhile, has denounced the legislative drive by US lawmakers, disputing claims that TikTok puts the US at risk and charging Us with adopting a hegemonic posture.


If the approach is approved by Congress, President Joe Biden has expressed his support for it and his willingness to sign it into law. The administration’s dedication to tackling national security issues associated with TikTok is demonstrated by the technical assistance the White House has given in the drafting of the legislation.

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