India's stance on Israel -Hamas Conflict

India made an important diplomatic gesture when it abstained cast a vote on a resolution proposed by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) that called for an instant humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. This truce would have ended hostilities and allowed humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip. After three weeks of cautious diplomacy on both sides of the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, India has made this decision.


The Background 

After Hamas launched unprecedented attacks on October 7, which tragically claimed over 1,400 lives, Israel launched a strong counteroffensive against the terrorist organization.


UNGA Vote Results

In order to vote on the draft resolution that Jordan had filed and that was co-sponsored by over 40 countries, including Bangladesh, the Maldives, Pakistan, Russia, and South Africa, the UNGA met in a reconvened 10th Emergency Special Session.

There was strong support for the resolution, “Protection of civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations,” with 120 countries voting in favor, 14 voting in opposition to, plus 45 abstaining. India abstained together with Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

India’s Position

The United States criticized India for not mentioning the extremist organization Hamas in their explanation of the vote.

India stated that terrorism respects no boundaries and that it is an act of violence that targets people based solely on their ethnicity, nationality, or other characteristics.

The country expressed hope that the General Assembly’s discussions will address the humanitarian crisis in the area, increase opportunities for diplomacy and engagement, and send a strong message against terror and violence.

Ethical Considerations

India conveyed its profound apprehension regarding the deteriorating security circumstances and the civilian casualties resulting from the protracted violence. It emphasized that the humanitarian crisis will intensify as hostilities escalated.

It also demanded that the hostages be released immediately and without conditions.

The UNGA resolution emphasised the urgency of helping civilians in the Gaza Strip and called for urgent, full, continuous, safe, and unfettered humanitarian access for various assistance group

The country has made a significant contribution to global initiatives aimed at defusing the situation and giving Gaza residents humanitarian aid. It shipped 38 tons of supplies, including medical equipment and medications, to Palestine.

Advocates of a Two-State Approach

India reaffirmed its support for a diplomatic two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, which would see the establishment of a viable, sovereign state of Palestine coexisting peacefully with Israel. India urged all sides to strive toward resuming direct peace talks and to defuse the current state of

India’s careful diplomatic balancing act in the Israel-Hamas conflict is demonstrated by its abstention from voting on the UNGA resolution while it continues to interact with various players and support humanitarian assistance efforts.

Article by Debanjana Talukdar

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