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How To Escape The Matrix Without Going Insane?
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The Matrix & The Internet


Do you know, the Internet these days are designed and propagated to fill your spare time with other’s opinion, thoughts, achievements, and perception? In actuality, the modern world shown over the internet has brainwashed and influenced you to an extent that not much of you is left within yourselves, the one you used to be once when you first applied for basic education, pure, unbiased, and un-manipulated, untouched by the matrix.

The Problem

Most of us now live or want to achieve either someone else’s Dream, Desire, or Idea. So before we dive into further thought-provoking and matrix-shattering questions and discoveries, I just want you to ask yourselves, how many of the things you supposedly achieved or wanted to achieve in terms of feeling, commodity, or position actually made you happy? How many of your claimed decisions toward happiness actually made you content and satisfied?


Most of us, if you notice are nothing but a carcass, a vessel filled with past experiences, memories, and a burning anxiety about the unpredictable future. If you might still argue about living in the present, yes, absolutely, in present we do simply blend into other’s current beliefs and ideology, dwell into the framework which is programmed in us to the core that by default makes us believe that this IS HAPPINESS, but is it? Let me explain to you with the help of a few simple yet realistic examples.

Example 1: Dream Destination

You went to a holiday destination that is popularized by the normal crowd (the matrix-ridden herd) or to be precise, your crowd as some of the best places to visit, and you did visit, after saving up or earning a certain amount of money from your corporate paycheck, in the hopes of finding the claimed satisfaction, accomplishment and gain some social respect and validation from your peers and psychologically made-up competitors (among your friend circle only), But you found out that, This WAS Good BUT NOTHING SPECIAL as programmed in the matrix.

Herd Mentality

What would you do also ONE MORE IMPORTANT QUESTION, you did get some praise and applause for making it to that Prestigious Location, but how long will that consideration and applause would last?

Example 2: Dream Mobile Phone

Similar to the above example, You went to a mobile store to finally buy your dream phone (reputed to be everyone’s dream phone) without actually comparing the phone with its current-day competitors regarding its specification, built-quality, looks, etc. As most of the premium segmented customers ( who are deeply embedded in the matrix) would claim it to be the Best-Phone this era could offer them, you purchased, you felt nice about yourself, happy walked, and danced on your way back home, posted a few selfies and sat back waiting for all the validations to slowly fade away.

Do you realize the amount you paid to the brand to be the brand that is crowned by the matrix, I am not saying it is a bad product after all but have had this side thought somewhere, you could have purchased a better phone, in the same budget?

But You Chose Luxury, Luxury is again, A Perception, you don’t believe me? Watch This small video wherein a very interesting and insightful experiment was conducted.


The main idea here I am trying to bring to your concern is that we should think more about what we really want and then act on them carefully. Instead of just going along with the herd mentality that the matrix-ridden society wants us to follow, telling us what makes us happy and what doesn’t, we should take time to figure out what truly brings us joy and peace. It’s essential not to let outside influences control us and we shouldn’t go into a never-ending pursuit of others’ validation and praises, which will wear out soon enough, rather focus on our own purpose.


To sum it up, even though the modern world and the internet, and the matrix on a grander scale have influenced us and will keep brainwashing us, we still have the power to be ourselves amidst this chaos. We shouldn’t let ourselves become the silhouette of other people’s ideas of happiness and success. By doing this, we can find a deeper and more meaningful contentment in life that doesn’t rely on what the matrix tries to impose. This article was a small attempt for you to break free from external pressures and live authentically.

Writer: Vivek Narzary

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