Google Recruiter Reveals Résumé Mistake That Hinders Job Applicants


Landing a job at Google, one of the world’s most sought-after tech giants, is no easy feat. With millions of applicants vying for a limited number of positions, impressing recruiters from the start is crucial. However, according to a former Google recruiter, there’s a common résumé mistake that significantly reduces an applicant’s chances of moving forward in the hiring process. Nolan Church, co-founder, and CEO of Continuum, who worked as a Google recruiter from 2012 to 2015, shares valuable insights into this easily avoidable error and offers tips on how to improve your résumé to stand out from the crowd.


The Résumé Mistake That Spells Disaster:

According to Church, the number one résumé mistake that immediately catches his eye is the excessive use of “brick texts.” This refers to résumés that present an endless stream of text with numerous words but lack essential context. Church emphasizes the importance of being concise in a résumé, as the inability to do so can be detrimental to an applicant’s chances of landing the dream job at Google.

The Power of Conciseness:

In the competitive job market, being able to convey information effectively and succinctly is a crucial skill. For Google recruiters like Church, résumés that are overloaded with text can be overwhelming and create a negative impression. Recruiters are searching for clarity and relevance, making it essential for applicants to highlight their achievements, skills, and experiences concisely.

Using ChatGPT and Grammarly to Elevate Résumés:

To overcome this common mistake, Church encourages applicants to leverage technology like ChatGPT and Grammarly. These apps can assist in refining and tightening résumés, ensuring they present a clear and impactful picture of the applicant’s qualifications and potential contributions.


Résumé Tips From Google’s Former Executive:

Laszlo Bock, a former Google executive with more than two decades of experience at the company, reviewed over 20,000 résumés during his tenure. He offers additional insights into common résumé mistakes, such as typos, poor formatting, and excessive length. Bock advises adhering to a rule of one page for every ten years of work experience to maintain a concise and relevant résumé.



With Google’s hiring process becoming even more stringent after recent layoffs, job applicants need to be well-prepared to stand out from the competition. The advice of former Google recruiter Nolan Church emphasizes the significance of conciseness in a résumé and the adverse impact of brick texts. By utilizing modern tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly, applicants can enhance their résumés, increasing their chances of making a positive impression and securing their spot at the prestigious tech giant. Remember, a well-crafted résumé is the first step towards a promising career journey.


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