Flipkart Big Billion Days Reveal Plans for 100,000 Seasonal Hires Leading into Festive Season

Flipkarts Big Billion Days

In light of the forthcoming holiday season, Flipkart, a well-known e-commerce site owned by Walmart, has announced plans to offer 100,000 seasonal job opportunities. This holiday season, which typically occurs in October, is closely related to The Big Billion Days, Flipkart’s yearly flagship sales campaign

Companies that engage in seasonal employment practices frequently employ temporary labor to meet peaks in demand at particular seasons of the year. The holiday shopping season, which lasts from September to November, is very significant to e-commerce businesses since it represents about 50% of their Gross Merchandise Value.

By placing a strong emphasis on inclusive hiring for these seasonal employment opportunities and specifically targeting native Kirana delivery partners who are disabled, women, and other groups, Flipkart is establishing an important precedent.

Flipkart is simultaneously also investing in skill development for its seasonal employees through training programs, preparing people to operate handheld gadgets, point of sale (equipment, scanning devices, numerous mobile apps, and other crucial tools. This evidently goes beyond recruitment.

The company’s mission was outlined by Hemant Badri, Senior Vice President and Head of Supply Chain of the Flipkart Group. In addition to investing in skill-building initiatives, they are this year expanding their footprint across the nation by adding over a lakh new job possibilities in their supply chain. Additionally, Badri revealed Flipkart’s strategic objective of having its Kirana delivery service handle well over 40% of shipments.

The Big Billion Day sale, which Flipkart often promotes around India’s holiday season, was held from September 23 to September 30 last year. Flipkart’s dedication to improving customer experiences, promoting diversity in the workplace, and handling the spike in demand over the holiday season highlights its proactive approach to the changing e-commerce industry.

‘Flipkart Big Billion Days’ Article By Debanjana Talukdar

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