G-20 Summit 2023: Bilateral Meetings Take Center Stage Amid Absence of President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping

Due to the packed schedule of the G-20 Summit 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has scheduled private meetings with US Vice President Joe Biden on Friday evening alongside French President Emmanuel Macron following the high-level sessions on Sunday. In particular, he intends to accommodate President Biden for dinner and President Macron for lunch, with the timing based on their respective schedules.

The Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and PM Modi will also meet privately, with PM Modi highlighting the significance of these meetings, which haven’t occurred for several months.

While the G-20 summit will center on how the Ukraine conflict is affecting the world economy, PM Modi is more concerned with raising awareness of issues faced by the global south and advocating for the 17 sustainable development goals, which is in line with the findings of a 2021 UN assessment on the pandemic’s consequences.

Recognizing the obstacles women have encountered as a result of the pandemic, PM Modi’s main agenda item at the G-20 is the advancement and empowerment of women. This underlines his commitment to inclusion, which can be seen in domestic projects like “Antodhya.”

World leaders will conduct last-minute negotiations about fostering global economic growth and development in the run-up to the summit.

African nations, which have been severely impacted by the virus, are the focus of PM Modi’s attention. He promotes green development and goals to address climate-related issues while also pushing for Africa to receive a standing invitation to the G-20.

It is important to keep in mind that Chinese President Xi Jinping will not be at the summit, but this does not necessarily reflect poorly on the nation hosting it. Leaders have skipped previous G-20 conferences for a variety of reasons. Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, will also not attend owing to the situation with Ukraine.

All eyes will be on Delhi while the summit takes place because conversations and negotiations there might determine how the world’s economies grow, develop, and cooperate in the years to come. We anticipate the results and the advantageous effects of this meeting on our common future.

‘G-20 Summit 2023’ Article By Debanjana Talukdar

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