Dhirendra Shahstri

Dhirendra Shastri in Chhindwara

Chhindwara welcomes Dhirendra Shastri, the revered Peethadhish of Bageshwar Dham, with a grand reception. The spiritual leader’s divine Ramkatha commences at the Hanuman temple in Simaria, captivating devotees until August 7.

Kamal Nath’s Personal Welcome

Former Chief Minister Kamal Nath extends a warm reception to Dhirendra Shastri, performing the traditional tilak and aarti to honor the esteemed spiritual leader’s presence.

Embracing Soft Hindutva

The welcoming gesture by Chhindwara and Kamal Nath towards Bageshwar Dham’s spiritual head, known for advocating Hindu Rashtra ideologies, reflects the growing prominence of soft Hindutva within the Congress party.

A Revered Figure’s Arrival

Dhirendra Shastri’s arrival at Imlikheda airstrip amidst much fanfare and enthusiasm, with MP Nakul Nath and Congress workers joining in the celebrations.

Spiritual Blessings

The spiritual leader’s visit to the driving school of FDDI and Ashok Leyland, where he imparts blessings upon trainees, leaves a profound impact on all present.

Continuing Divine Ramkatha

The spiritual discourse of Bageshwar Dham Sarkar Dhirendra Krishna Shastri extends for three days, culminating in a divine court on Sunday, offering spiritual guidance and solutions to devotees’ problems.

A Massive Gathering

Authorities deploy over a thousand policemen to maintain order and crowd control, as devotees from Chhindwara and nearby districts throng to witness the spiritual event.

Unity and Reverence

Dhirendra Shastri’s spiritual presence instills a sense of unity and reverence among the attendees, reflecting the impact of spiritual leaders on the political landscape.

A Spiritual Retreat and Celebration

The event not only serves as a spiritual retreat for devotees but also brings a sense of harmony and celebration to the region.

Political Significance

The Congress party’s involvement in the grand welcome underscores the political significance of spiritual leaders, who continue to garner admiration and support from the masses.

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