Amit Shah

Delhi Ordinance Bill

In a heated session at the Lok Sabha on Tuesday, the introduction of the Delhi Services Bill has sparked intense debates and opposition from various political parties. The bill aims to replace an ordinance that grants the Centre control over Delhi’s bureaucrats, effectively bypassing a Supreme Court ruling that favored the elected government’s authority in transfers and appointments.

Led by Home Minister Amit Shah, the government is pushing for immediate legislation through the ordinance, and his deputy, Nityanand Rai, will be explaining the reasons behind this move. The bill has become a topic of contention, with sharp divisions among political parties.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), led by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, along with other opposition parties, including the Congress, have vehemently opposed the ordinance. They argue that the bill undermines the democratic structure and curtails the elected government’s power, going against the principles of federalism.

However, amidst the opposition, the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) has emerged as a significant player in the situation. With substantial representation in both the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, the YSRCP is expected to extend its support to the bill’s passage.

The bill’s key focus is to grant the Centre more control over Delhi’s bureaucrats, a move that has been met with mixed reactions. While proponents argue that it will streamline governance and administration, critics fear that it could lead to increased political interference in the functioning of the state government.

The Delhi Services Bill has attracted immense attention and media coverage, with people closely monitoring its developments. The controversy surrounding the bill is likely to continue, as it raises crucial questions about the balance of power between the Centre and the elected government.

The Lok Sabha session saw intense discussions and arguments, with MPs from various parties expressing their views on the potential implications of the bill. As the bill moves forward for further deliberations, the political landscape remains charged with uncertainty and anticipation.


The fate of the Delhi Services Bill hangs in the balance as it faces intense scrutiny and opposition. The government’s push for immediate legislation and the YSRCP’s support have added complexity to the already contentious issue. Only time will tell how this legal battle unfolds and how it impacts the governance and autonomy of the capital city.


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