Federal Judge Rules Biden’s DACA Version Unlawful

An essential legal shift is that President Joe Biden’s updated DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program has been ruled illegal by a federal judge in Texas. Questions about the history of DACA, its contentious character, and the results of this current order have been raised in light of this ruling.

During the Obama presidency, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA) was implemented in 2012. Its main goal is to safeguard those who entered the country as youths from the possibility of deportation. DACA recipients also receive work permits, enabling them to stay and earn a living legally in the United States.

The central question in the DACA debate is whether the government has the right to create a program without Congressional approval. By adopting DACA through unilateral action, the Obama administration, according to critics, overstepped its authority

President Biden’s version of DACA is largely a repetition of earlier variations, which U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen, presiding in Texas, just declared is illegal. This judicial action was brought about by a lawsuit against DACA that was launched jointly by Texas and eight other states.

Although the ruling by Judge Hanen doesn’t instantly eliminate DACA, it does prevent the administration from accepting any new applications. During the present legal appeals procedure, benefits from the DACA program will still be provided to current beneficiaries. Importantly, the decision does not impose any punitive measures on current DACA recipients.

New applicants are essentially barred from applying for DACA protection by the order. This change could have an important impact on many young people who might have otherwise qualified for the program.

Many young immigrants who grew up in the US have benefited greatly from DACA. They are given the chance to live regular lives, pursue schooling, and find legal employment without having to worry about being deported all the time.

The legal conflict is still far from over. It is anticipated that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear an appeal of Judge Hanen’s ruling. The destiny of DACA has previously been decided by the highest court in the land, and this most recent decision further increases the ambiguity around the program’s future.

Article By Deby T

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