Due to the 4B Movement, South Korea now has the lowest fertility rate in the world and is experiencing a demographic crisis. Gender norms in relationships and parenthood are being questioned by this movement, as it supports equality and autonomy. Consideration of the movement’s applicability outside of South Korea, particularly in nations like India, can be triggered by its growing popularity.

Understanding the 4B Movement

The 4B movement, which includes dating (biyeonae), marriage (bihon), childbirth (bichulsan), and intercourse (bisekseu), symbolizes a courageous stand made by women against misogyny and gender-based discrimination. By refusing to engage in heterosexual relationships—such as courtship, marriage, parenthood, or sexual activity—participants resist societal expectations of gender and express their independence. .

Popularity and International Influence

The movement’s message has been boosted by TikTok and social media, connecting with women all over the world who have similar grievances about gender inequity. The spirit of the movement is international, drawing solidarity and support from a wide range of communities outside of South Korea.


Origins of Gender-Based Activism

The 4B Movement is a product of a broader history of gender-based movements in South Korea that tackle issues such as femicide, violence against women, and invasions of privacy. It supports women’s rights and exposes systematic misogyny, in line with the global #MeToo movement.

Challenges and scepticism: Could this Make Women More Vulnerable to Violence?

The 4B Movement encounters criticism and doubt in spite of its admirable goals, especially when it comes to how it will affect society norms and demographic dynamics. Declining birth rates, according to critics, present problems for elderly populations and long-term economic viability.

A woman’s hands in front of her face.

Main concern is that in cultures where misogyny is still prevalent, sexual assault and gender-based violence may become more severe. Women who reject conventional roles and relationships may be more vulnerable to abuse and predatory conduct.

The reversing of established gender norms and power structures could provoke resistance from those who are averse to change. Women who defy social norms may face the risk of experiencing violence and coercion as a result of this rebellion.

Applicability to India

Pervasive patriarchy and discrimination based on gender are issues that India faces as well. Embracing the 4B Movement’s tenets could enable Indian women to challenge established conventions and seek autonomy and equal rights in relationships and other areas of life.

Call to Action

Endorsing autonomy, gender equality, and the freedom of choice entails supporting the 4B Movement. It asks for fundamental adjustments to cultural norms and practices in order to establish a more welcoming and equal environment for everyone.

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