Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, has issued a directive ordering a large force buildup, citing the necessity to counter mounting threats, especially those posed by NATO expansion. 170,000 more employees will be added gradually as a result of the shift, increasing the total to 1,320,000.

Heightened Dangers

Justification for the troop increase is provided by the Russian Defense Ministry, which claims that it is essential in reaction to the “aggressive activities” of the NATO group. The decision comes after more than a year and a half of fighting in Ukraine, during which Russia is said to have suffered significant losses.

Change in Military Estimates

Previously, the Russian military’s current size was deemed enough by the Kremlin. But after encountering unanticipated difficulties and strong opposition from Ukraine, the calculations were reevaluated, and the decision was made to increase army strength.

Previous Declarations Made by Russia’s Defense Minister

Sergei Shoigu, Russia’s minister of defense, stated in December of last year that 1.5 million soldiers are required to protect Russia. The minister underlined the significance of this goal in completing strategic tasks but did not say when it will be accomplished.

NATO’s Growth and Ukraine’s Role

Tensions have increased as a result of Sweden’s application to join NATO and Finland’s recent membership expansion. According to NATO, Ukraine is eligible to join “when conditions are met,” but no deadline is given. Ukraine is still at war with Russia, hence it is unable to join NATO.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, has demanded more troops and fortified defenses along the front line with Russia in the wake of these events. The appeal is made as the area experiences below-freezing conditions, which makes things more difficult for Ukrainian soldiers.

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