Chasing Dreams

China’s “Chasing Dreams”

China’s recent release of the” Chasing Dreams” documentary has drawn international attention, as it showcases the People’s Liberation Army’s( PLA) medications to attack Taiwan and features soldiers pledging their readiness to immolate their lives if necessary. The eight-part docuseries, aired by state broadcaster CCTV, marks the PLA’s 96th anniversary and highlights military drills and witnesses of soldiers, reflecting China’s growing fierceness and oratory against the tone-governing island of Taiwan. This composition delves into the counteraccusations of the documentary, China’s claims over Taiwan, rising Chinese nationalism, and the implicit impact on indigenous stability.

China’s Claim Over Taiwan

China has long asserted its claim over Taiwan, viewing it as part of its home and reserving the right to use force if necessary to bring it under its control. Despite Taiwan being a self-ruling republic with its own government, constitution, and transnational relations, China’s position has remained unyielding. This station has not only contributed to pressures in the region but also urged global enterprises about implicit military escalations.

Rising Chinese Nationalism and Military Modernization

The release of” Chasing Dreams” is part of China’s ongoing efforts to promote nationalism and display its military prowess. By showcasing the PLA’s modernization and military exercises, Beijing seeks to bolster public pride and assert its capabilities as an indigenous power. The documentary serves as a tool to demonstrate China’s readiness to take decisive action against Taiwan and, by extension, its resistance to perceived foreign hindrances, particularly from the United States.

Taiwan-United States Relations and Military Assistance

Taiwan’s relationship with the United States has been a point of disagreement for China. While the U.S. doesn’t officially recognize Taiwan as an autonomous country, it has pledged to support the island’s defense in the event of an invasion. Recently, the White House has blazoned a $345 million military aid package for Taiwan, drawing strong exclamations from China. The move reflects the United States’ commitment to maintaining stability in the region and has led to increased pressure between the two superpowers.

Counteraccusations for Regional Stability

The release of” Chasing Dreams” and the PLA’s increased activities in the Taiwan Strait have raised concerns about indigenous stability. China’s assertive conduct and military drills pretend to be perfect strikes against Taiwan, fueling apprehensions about the eventuality of accidental conflict escalation. Any military misapprehensions or misconstructions during similar exercises could lead to serious consequences,  risking indigenous peace and security.

The Impact of Nationalistic Propaganda

The release of propaganda accouterments like” Chasing Dreams” has the implicit effect of inflaming nationalist sentiments among the Chinese population, making it more grueling for the government to find peaceful solutions to indigenous controversies. Heightened nationalism can produce public pressure on the government to take aggressive action, adding to the liability of competition and heightening pressure on neighboring countries.


The release of China’s” Chasing Dreams” documentary has escalated pressures in the region, showcasing the PLA’s intentions to attack Taiwan and soldiers pledging to slaughter their lives if necessary. China’s claims over Taiwan, coupled with rising nationalism and military modernization, have added complexity to the formerly delicate cross-border relations. The situation highlights the significance of transnational diplomacy and dialogue in achieving peaceful results in indigenous controversies.

For stability and security in the region, all parties involved should exercise restraint and prioritize peaceful judgments. Engaging in formative dialogue and avoiding instigative conduct will be essential to preventing any unintended escalation of conflict. Also, the transnational community, particularly the United States and other indigenous stakeholders, must remain watchful and actively engage in efforts to maintain peace and stability in Taiwan and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

Article By: Afrin Bano

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