Following the COVID-19 pandemic, China is dealing with a new health crisis as an unexplained pneumonia outbreak is spreading throughout schools, raising questions for international health experts.

Epicenters and Impact

Found in Liaoning province and Beijing, the outbreak has overrun hospitals, forcing several schools to halt teaching. The severity is similar to what happened in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, when both teachers and kids were unwell.

Children at Risk in China

Schools in Beijing have reported significant rates of absence and, in some cases, have cancelled all classes for at least a week due to the outbreak, which disproportionately impacts children. Scholars conjecture on the possibility of immunity among the elderly, posing concerns regarding vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and the elderly.

Suspected Pathogen

Medical professionals suspect mycoplasma pneumoniae, known as “walking pneumonia,” as the culprit. This bacterial infection, common among younger children, usually causes mild infections, but severe cases can lead to hospitalization.

WHO’s Response

The World Health Organization (WHO) has initiated a “routine” check, seeking details from China on the increasing number of respiratory illnesses and reported pneumonia clusters in children. Information on known pathogens, including influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, and mycoplasma pneumoniae, is requested.

Sick woman sitting at home and blowing her nose

Chinese Authorities’ Report

During a press conference on November 13, the National Health Commission reported an increase in respiratory disease incidence, triggering heightened vigilance and responses.

As China deals with this new health emergency, the priorities continue to be identifying the source of the outbreak, protecting populations at risk, and working with international health authorities to lessen its effects.

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