Delhi, the lively metropolis of India, has been battling an enduring and concerning issue: air pollution. The capital city and the surrounding areas have frequently experienced toxic smog, which has put health at risk and created an urgent need for innovative approaches. A novel solution has been suggested by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur: “artificial rains” created by cloud seeding. Even while this strategy seems promising, it makes us wonder if it would be practical and beneficial in the long run.

A Sight of Hope

The researchers at IIT Kanpur are deserving of praise for their commitment and creative ideas. After working diligently for more than five years, they were able to successfully complete trials in July. The knowledge that they have obtained the essential

The seriousness of their endeavor is demonstrated by the fact that they have obtained the required approvals from government agencies, such as the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

The Challenge of Cloud Seeding in Delhi

But we also need to recognize that there are major obstacles in the way of widely adopting cloud seeding. Certain climatic elements, such the existence of clouds that are heavy with moisture and the right winds, are necessary to create artificial rain. The equation is made more complex by the unpredictable nature of weather patterns, especially in the months leading up to winter. It’s a reminder that we’re dealing with a science that is yet to attain precision.

It is important to recognize the red tape associated with operating aircraft over the country’s capital. The Ministry of Home Affairs, the Special Protection Group, as well as the DGCA all need to provide multiple permissions. The procedure may become laborious and slow as a result of several layers of paperwork. Time is critical in Delhi where every breath matters.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Remedies

The project’s principal investigator, Professor Manindra Agrawal, hypothesizes that manufactured showers might offer momentary respite for as long as a week. This could be a pleasant break for people living in the National Capital Region (NCR), who are now dealing with dangerously low air quality. But it raises the question of whether we are really treating the symptoms or the underlying source of the issue.

The declining quality of the air in Delhi necessitates broad, multifaceted remedies. Although cloud seeding is a useful tool, it shouldn’t take priority over the pressing need to reduce emissions, enhance public transit, and support environmentally friendly projects. This creative method must not be a stand-alone fix but rather a component of a comprehensive plan.

Article by Debanjana Talukdar

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