The emergence of visually appealing restocking videos on social media sites such as YouTube, Instagram Reels, and TikTok has captured the attention of viewers. Although these videos appear to show influencers restocking their refrigerators, pantries, or even toiletries, a closer look shows alarming characteristics of materialism, overconsumption, and environmental damage.

Are These Restocking Videos Meant For Materialistic Showcase or Aesthetic Pleasure?

Restocking videos are typically visually appealing, with shots of well-kept pantry shelves or freezers stocked with different kinds of ice appealing to viewers.

Many counter that these videos can be more about showing off material belongings than they are about actually replenishing essentials. The wide range of offerings—from flavour-infused ice to an excess of chip varieties—raises concerns regarding the necessity and authenticity of these restocking efforts.

Videos of influencers restocking guest bathrooms frequently reveal an array of high-end skincare products and little toiletries. Questions over noticeable spending and privilege are brought up by the excessive reliance on pricey and unnecessary things. Since most visitors bring their own necessities, restocking luxury skincare and toiletries is more of an extravagant display than a functional necessity. This one video showed an influencer restocking her guest bathroom with skincare that would total up to around $400. This isn’t necessary and it’s just extra.

Fantasy vs. Reality

As part of their work, content makers arrange these fantastical settings, giving their lives an idealised look. Purchasing a large number of things can be written off as a business expense, and influencers can profit from the company and their audience by earning commissions through associated links to the products shown in the videos . The audience may develop unreasonable expectations and  participate in wasteful consumption. So this isn’t the influencers’ real life , it’s all just a trick to get viewers to purchase these products.

Environmental Damage 

The transfer of products into plastic containers is a prevalent practice in restocking videos. Because it makes it more difficult for customers to keep track of shelf life, expiration dates, and nutritional information, this practice is concerning. Furthermore, using plastic excessively harms the environment, underscoring the need for more sustainable methods.


Critics also contend that the sheer number of products exhibited in these beauty videos contributes to environmentally harmful habits and wasteful practices. One of the primary contributors of needless plastic waste is the overuse of single-use and non-reusable products like cosmetic wipes and flushable washing wipes. More environmentally friendly substitutes exist, such as reusable makeup remover cloths.

Public Opinion and Social Media Conversations

Public sentiments regarding these restocking videos are reflected in discussions on social media sites. Some users draw attention to the wastefulness and possible harm to customers and the environment, while others express concern about the privileged nature of collecting surplus things. The discussion emphasises how important it is to produce and consume content responsibly.

It also appears that restock culture is particularly appealing to people who have experienced financial hardships, as demonstrated by the following user comment: “I grew up poor so I can definitively tell you I’m the target demographic for restock culture.” This observation suggests that those who have experienced financial hardship in the past can take comfort and security in the depictions of abundance in restock videos, perhaps in an attempt to disassociate themselves from the difficulties of scarcity they may have had in the past.

In summary, the shimmering charm of restocking videos frequently masks the more negative effects of consumerism, overconsumption, and environmental damage. As influencers continue to craft and share these curated experiences, audiences must critically assess the impact of influencer-curated content on their own behaviours and the environment. Basically, don’t let social media trick you into buying something you don’t need.

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