Recently, filmmaker Anurag Kashyap announced on Instagram that he will henceforth charge people for meeting new people. Feeling angry at those who think they are creative geniuses, Kashyap announced fees for varying lengths of meetings: 1 lakh for 10 to 15 minutes, and 5 lakhs for an hour.

Statement from Anurag Kashyap

Kashyap shared his disappointment with spending time on novices who frequently turn out subpar work in an Instagram post. He stressed that he is fed up with people looking for shortcuts and that he is not a charity. Kashyap closed his severe message by asking those who would like to meet him to pay in advance.

After her father, Kashyap, received notice for his post, Aaliyah Kashyap, his daughter, sarcastically mentioned that she planned to share the message with those who regularly give her father scripts. Kashyap’s choice has drawn criticism for being callous and snobbish, despite some seeing it as a daring attempt to prioritise his time and skills.

Elitist or Rational Post?

Anurag Kashyap’s choice to charge for meetings is a reflection of his dissatisfaction with time lost on pointless interactions and his wish to give important interactions top priority. While some could see this as a practical way for him to manage his time and knowledge, others might see it as exclusive and elitist, which could prevent access to budding talent that cannot afford his fees. In the end, there is disagreement on how this choice will affect the inclusiveness and mentoring culture of the creative sector.

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